Contact Lenses that are Clear and Comfortable to You
Vestal Eye Care Associates
157 Front Street
Vestal, NY 13850
Phone: (607)754-4426
Fax: (607)754-0464
Mon and Tue
8:00 – 6:00
Wed - Fri 
8:00 – 5:00
Saturday Closed
We fit soft and gas permeable contact lenses including astigmatic (toric), aspheric, tinted, colored, bifocal, and monovision. We firmly believe in disposable and planned-replacement contact lenses with simple, inexpensive contact lens care solutions.
Did you know?
*Contact lenses are changing constantly
*Contact lenses come in many different colors and novelty designs
*Some contact lenses are now made of silicone hydrogel material (which transmit more oxygen to the eyes)
We fit lenses from many manufacturers including:
*Vistakon (Acuvue)
*Hydrogel Vision
*Paragon Vision
*Polymer Technology (Boston)
Have you considered Maintenance-Free Daily Wear Contact Lenses? Click here to learn more.
Personalized Care that Protects
and Enhances the Gift of Sight.
Omega 3 Supplements
for Eye Health
Both dry eyes and macular degeneration respond favorably to Omega 3 supplements.
Talk to us today to learn more.